Test Your Knowledge Set 1

  1. His name, little known, is Prem Behari Narain Raizada, son of Brij Behari Narain Raizada of Delhi. He wrote a well known thing in his own hand, using a flowing italic style in the best calligraphic traditions of our country. What did he write?

  2. This feat was first achieved in 1875 and was not repeated till 48 years later. It is often described as a battle of brain and brawn against tide and temperature. Statistics released by the CSA, the governing body, reveal that only about 7 percent of those who attempt this feat are able to complete it. What feat are we talking of?

  3. Which Indian scientist was expelled from school in 1905 for protesting against British rule around the time of the partition of Bengal and went on to write a famous paper: On Ionization in the Solar Chromosphere?

  4. Name the adventurer is depicted on the front side of the New Zealand 5 dollar note.

  5. It has been eaten for 2000 years and remains very popular even today. In the late 19th century, in Chicago, Charles C. Cretors developed a machine for its large scale production. What?

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